Published On: June 8th, 2017Categories: Energy Savings

Are you looking forward to summer but are already sweating how much your energy bills will be? Don’t let the impact heat and humidity can have on your energy bills (and wallet) take the fun out of summer. Here are some tips to help save money on energy bills this summer and year ‘round.

  • Turn On Ceiling Fans. Keep your ceiling fans running to circulate conditioned air and keep the air moving. This will create comfort without putting extra strain on your HVAC system by circulating air that’s already cool and create a slight breeze.
  • Adjust Your Thermostat. During the day, increase the temp on your thermostat and close window treatments. Keeping windows covered helps control indoor temps, and turning up the temp during the day prevents the air conditioner from running when people aren’t home. If your home doesn’t have a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust your HVAC system, consider installing one.
  • Seal Leaks Around Your Home. Air leaks exist in homes as a result of the construction process. Air leaks allow conditioned inside air to escape. You wouldn’t leave a window open when the air conditioning is running, would you? Not having your home air sealed has the same result. Having your home air sealed by a qualified contractor will help ensure the job is done right the first time.
  • Run Exhaust Fans. Run your bath fan and/or a kitchen fan. Running the bath fan will help remove warm, humid air after a shower or bath. Consider adding a timer to your bath fan to continually push warm air out of the house. Running your kitchen fan will also help remove warm air that results from cooking and has an added bonus of removing food odors from your home.
  • Add Insulation to your Attic. Most homes can benefit from additional insulation. Even if your home is newer, the insulation level in your attic may not meet current codes. Contact a qualified contractor to have insulation added to your attic. Increasing your attic insulation can save up to 30% on your energy bills!

Now is the time to make your home more energy efficient — before the heat and humidity of summer are here. Your wallet will thank you! Contact our office with questions about ways to make your home more efficient.