Published On: December 19th, 2019Categories: Fireplaces

Gas fireplaces are a popular choice and can add a warm atmosphere to your home. Because they do not need to be replenished during use, they can be easier to use than a wood burning fireplace. They come in many beautiful styles and can be conveniently operated by a wall switch or remote control. The most common style of gas fireplace is a direct-vent log fireplace which can be vented horizontally.

The Hayes Company’s Fireplace Maintenance Services

Before installing a gas fireplace, select the location in your home and measure to be sure it will fit. You will also need to place the gas fireplace on an elevated surface for safety. Next a ventilation point needs to be cut in your wall or ceiling and pass-through piping is installed. A professional will need to be hired if a new gas line needs to be installed.

If you do not want to add a hole for ventilation you may want to consider a vent-free gas fireplace which does not require a flue or an electric fireplace.

Our technicians at The Hayes Company are highly trained in correct gas fireplace installation techniques. Contact us today!